Through me, the Spirit/Soul speaks:
The body is not an illusion.
Everything is energy, including the body.
The body is a form of energy, shaped by the mind. The body is a tool of existence. The body is the starting point for experience.
Everything exists for the observer, but there is no observer without a body. The body is as much energy as all other densities of it. The body is a hologram in alignment with the soul. After all, on the quantum level, everything is ONE energy.
Imagine: there are no atoms or particles, and physicality is non-physical at this level. Everything is emptiness, everything is everything at the same time.
How is it that emptiness takes on a tangible, dense form? Because everything is possible. Because we will it so, BECAUSE THAT IS THE WILL OF EXISTENCE (God/Universe, I, We) to embody, manifest, take form.
Since everything is quantum potential, why does form exist at all? What gives it shape? Everything is us. The mind – the masculine, active element – and the body, its chalice – the matrix. The mind imprints itself, like a seal, on the physical world. The soul is the eternal essence of what we are. In the harmony of all aspects. The MIND will create on the BODY plane (embodiment) what I/you essentially am/are (Soul/essence).
The body is shaped by the will of the observer. From a certain level, it is non-physical, changing from second to second. The body is vibrating energy, which through the miracle of life, we can perceive as a tool of perception. The body/form can be as immortal/beautiful as the essence/Soul.
The only thing separating us from full union is our mind and its illusions. Illusions about aging, death. Illusions that the body is unnecessary/unimportant (but the nature of Life, of existence, is ALL planes and densities of energy because… WE ARE ENERGY, WE ARE WHOLENESS.)
You are the observer.
Your essence WANTS to manifest in beauty. What is beauty…? Beauty is what you perceive it to be. What you see as most beautiful is, in fact, YOU. It is your essence. When you see something beautiful, you bestow it with love. Because you are bestowing love on truth. You are bestowing love on YOURSELF. Beauty is YOU.
Allow your mind to cast off the chains of limitations. Allow yourself to let go of the programs that say you must get sick, suffer, grow old.
Your body will naturally align with the SHAPE OF YOUR SOUL. It will begin to heal. All that’s needed is a pure mind, the revelation of what you are.
What’s needed is acceptance that I AM EVERYTHING, all densities of energy, and my form is the highest beauty I can even imagine. Perfection.
Relative because the infinity of forms/faces of divinity/Universes merges into ONE Multiverse, which manifests in infinite forms. Experiencing is about realizing your essence and enjoying it.
There is no God beside you, nor a Soul outside of you. You are. You are immortal, multidimensional existence.Let your mind align with what you are. Let your body dance your dance, as it feels. It is part (one of the densities) of you. Alive and sensitive, just like spirit, like emotions or the mind. These are just planes, which TOGETHER in unity and IN HARMONY, to which you are awakening (only to experience the beautiful process), create an immortal miracle.
Life manifests in infinite forms.Life includes plants, animals. But you are life aware of itself. You are the observer who has the will and power to create (discord with your nature, choice). Start choosing to observe what you find beautiful. Focus on yourself, on your Universe/manifestation, and it will align with Who you are.
I am Life – you can repeat this truth, so it takes root in your mind instead of programs of death. I am Eternal Life. May the Path become one with Truth. Truth is what you feel is good for yourself.
What EVERY plane of you feels comfortable with. Body and soul, for in Truth they are one. What separates us from unity are only the lies (programs) of the mind. The path is action, experience.
Allow yourself to experience your life’s ALCHEMY.
Choose what you want to experience.
Anna (Seraphim)
Nie przywiązuj mnie do żadnej z przedstawionych tu tożsamości, gdyż i ja nie jestem do nich przywiązana. Wybieram je ku uciesze z Życia. Jeśli chcesz eksploruj to wyjątkowe przejawienie boskości we mnie, by dogłębnie zbadać swoje. „Kim jestem? Zapytałam siebie. Istnieniem? Marzeniem? Boskim tchnieniem? Nie… JA jestem PŁOMIENIEM.”
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